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The Green Dreams Project
At the Green Dreams Project we innovate in the field of health creation and bring those ideas to life.
Once up and running we try to persuade others to follow. This is only possible with a huge network of colleagues and a willingness to share our information with others.
It is also important to us that we fund as many local projects as we can to try to improve well-being in our local community.
Generating interest in our work is done via public speaking and by attendance at conferences
For Example
Event Attended | Location | Subject | Year |
Prince's Charities | Regeneration Summit Burnley | Green Dreams Project CIC | 2012 |
HRH Prince of Wales | Burslem Regeneration Summit | Green Dreams Project CIC | 2013 |
HRH + Cabinet members | Clarence House | Green Dreams Project CIC | 2014 |
PM's health advisor | 10 Downing Street | Green Dreams Method | 2014 |
Health Professionals | Cynefin, Keynote Speaker | Green Dreams Project CIC | 2014 |
Westminster City Council | Westminster | Green Dreams Project CIC | 2014 |
NHS leaders, Council & GP's | Dumfries House | Green Dreams Project CIC | 2014 |
Irish Medical Organisation | Kilkenny, Ireland | Pop. Health & deprivation | 2015 |
Well North | Gorton Monastery, | Community health | 2015 |
Med Students multiple Uni's | University of East Anglia | Healthy communities | 2015 |
HRH Prince of Wales | Highgrove | 'Social Prescribing' | 2016 |
David Blunkett | House of Lords | What is good work | 2017 |
NHS England Conference | Liverpool; day hosted by me | Social prescribing | 2017 |
NISP | Exeter | Child Social prescribing | 2019 |
Food Conference | Royal Society of Medicine | Grown in the Community | 2019 |
Many local talks, clubs, speeches, meetings |
Dr Fleming Green Dreams Project Keynote @ The 2014 Cynefin Health Event Garwnant
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